Monday, April 9, 2012

Another Winner From Writer Felix Francis

I was saddened when mystery writer Dick Francis passed away in 2010. He was the author of more than 40 international bestsellers, spanning a career that lasted more than a half century. When I read Francis first book, The Sport of Queens, I was immediately hooked. There was just the right amount of mystery and authenticity to keep me turning the pages. All of his books were centered around horseracing, and as a former jockey who rode in more than 300 races, he was able to capture the magic of the sport.

I was pleased when his son, Felix Francis, co-author of his books, decided to continue in his father’s footsteps and keep the tradition alive. Gamble, the novel that I am currently reading, is as exciting as any of the books that went before. I hope there will be many more in the years to come.

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