Friday, January 13, 2012

Books And The Wonderful People Who Read Them


Almost everyone has had a desire to write a book, but when faced with the challenging task of sitting for hours at a keyboard, some of the enthusiasm fades away. One ‘expert’ said that writing is an obsession, a frightful madness, something to be avoided at all cost. He left out how much fun it is.

Any writer will tell you that meeting avid readers is a close second to the actual writing process. On Wednesday of this week I was allowed to meet with a book club in my area. Some of the members were friends with whom I attended high school, and others were new friends who simply enjoy reading a good book.

I am told that book signings at brick and mortar bookstores are on the decline, and libraries have to schedule the number of meetings they sponsor due to physical restraints. Book clubs will no doubt continue to meet for many centuries to come, and they offer an opportunity for writers to discuss their work with like-minded people

All writers need to come in from the cold occasionally and warm their hands and their hearts around the campfire. Wednesday was a heady experience I will never forget, and I feel strangely inspired and blessed. I could tell you more, but the characters in my novel are urging me to get back to work. . .


David P Perlmutter said...

Like this post and yes its true, writing is fun and this is the first time I have tried and I am so enjoying the moment and seeing my story unfold....It is a true story and one day, hopefully will be for sale as an ebook...anyway nice post and blog..

Check out my blog and become a follower if you wish..

Joe Prentis said...


Keep working away and you will eventually find the success you are seeking. Thanks for the comment. I enjoyed reading it.