Monday, February 20, 2012

Support Groups Needed

There is nothing quite as wonderful as a good sense of humor. Being able to approach the difficult things in life with an upbeat attitude tends to smooth out the rough spots along life’s pathway. Fellow writer Joyce Scarbrough is not only a good writer; she has the ability to see humor in a way that makes the rest of us envious. Every agent or publisher wants to know a writer’s marketing plan. Joyce wrote a great article a few days ago about one of her ideas that might push her books to the top. It is entitled, Support Groups Needed. Even if you aren’t a writer, you will get a chuckle out of her humorous suggestions. Follow the link by clicking on the title to this article. While you’re on her site, take a look around. You will find some other articles well worth reading.


The Belle in Blue said...

Thanks, Joe. I'll be sure and write you from prison! ;-)

Joe Prentis said...

I'm told that the inmates really gather around a writer, so your stay should be a good one.