Thursday, November 8, 2012

Five Star Books

Five Star Books -- What is it all about?
I seldom watch television and spend my free time reading. Over the years, I have traveled along the roads and byways of thousands of wonderful books. When I started receiving emails from readers asking me about the novels I enjoyed the most, I decided it would be a good idea to blog about them, rather than writing articles about random things as I have done in the past. It also saves me some time in having to respond to individual emails.

My articles will not be book reviews in the traditional sense. Instead, I will tell you about the books I liked best, and the reasons I enjoyed them. There are many great books, and just as many talented writers that are unfamiliar to us. Most of the books I will suggest to you will be from bestseller lists. Some of them will be hot off the press and others published years ago. I hope you will enjoy reading some of them as we travel this road together. I hope to recommend a new book to you each week. Thank you and happy reading.

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